Claiborne Farm & the Gamely Corporation

BOUNDARY 1990 азарга

1990 Америк
Үүлдэр Англи цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1990..
Төрсөн нутаг Америк
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч Claiborne Farm
Үржүүлэгч Claiborne Farm & the Gamely Corporation
Бүртгэгдсэн 2025.03.10
Winnings: 8 Starts: 6 - 1 - 1, $217,777 At 4: 1st A Phenomenon H.(G3,Sar), Roseben H. (G3,Bel); 2nd True North H.(G2,Bel); 3rd Tom Fool S.(G2,Bel) Foaled April 21, 1990 - won debut race last raced 8/7/1994 Saratoga entered stud in 1995 at Claiborne Farm,KY pensioned in 2005 due to declining fertility euthanized February 4, 2012 due to old age sire of Big Brown

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