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Хувилбар 2.5
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Хувилбар 2.5
Үүлдэр | Англи цэвэр цусны |
Төрсөн огноо | 1731.. |
Төрсөн нутаг | Англи |
Бүртгэлийн дугаар | |
Микрочип | |
Тамга | |
Зүс | Хүрэн |
Эзэмшигч | Charles Paulet, 3rd Duke of Bolton |
Үржүүлэгч | |
Бүртгэгдсэн | 2024.07.09 |
25 October 1736 - 300 guineas match Newmarket versus Tickle-Me-Quickly; 3 August 1737 - 40 guineas Plate Canterbury 26 October 1736 - 4th 250 guineas sweepstakes Newmarket (to Juba); 31 May 1737 - 3rd King's Plate Guildford (to Barforth and Grey Ward): 1 June 1737 - 3rd King's Plate Winchester (to [Ancaster] Grasshopper); 2 August 1737 - 3rd King's Plate Canterbury (to Beau) Ran as Little John Sire of the grandam of Dulcinea (1769 King's Plate Newcastle, King's Plate [mares] Hambleton, 1770 King's Plate [mares] Newmarket) and top class racehorse Mambrino (1775 Jockey Club Plate, King's Plate Newmarket); and of the grandam of Cumberland (1785 King's Plate York) and Temperance (1785 Great Subscription Purse [5yo division] York, King's Plate Richmond) |