1806 Англи
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1806..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч General Thomas Grosvenor
Бүртгэгдсэн 2024.07.02
Winnings: 20 Starts: 4 - 5 - 4 Principal performances, Newmarket unless stated:- 5 Apr 1809 - 100gns each stakes (5/4, very easily, from Zoraida 5/2); 21 Apr 1809 - 300gns match (4/5) v Ferdinand (con 23lbs); 7 Aug 1810 - 100gns stakes Huntingdon (7/4); 15 Aug 1810 - £50 Nottingham 3 Apr 1809 - 2nd 1,000gns stakes (to Wizard 6/5); 19 May 1809 - 4th Oaks Stakes Epsom (3/1, to Maid of Orleans 100/6, Zaida 8/1 and Spindle 9/2); 23 Apr 1810 - unplaced First Class of Oatlands Stakes (to Poulton con 17lbs); 11 May 1810 - beaten 200gns match v Britannia (8/13 rec 2lbs); 21 May 1810 - beaten 200gns match (1/5) v Maid of Orleans (con 8lbs); 23 May 1810 - unplaced Jockey Club Plate (to Meteora 3/1); Jul 1810 - 3rd Stamford Gold Cup (to Meteora and Thorn); 8 Aug 1810 - 3rd Hinchingbrook Stakes Huntingdon; 9 Aug 1810 - 2nd £70 Huntingdon; 14 Aug 1810 - 2nd King's Plate Nottingham; 19 Sep 1810 - 3rd [last] King's Plate Lincoln (to Laurel Leaf); 21 Sep 1810 - 3rd [last] 70gns Lincoln (to Tutelina) Her maternal line persisted to the 1890s with only modest success

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