Prince Henry

JAVELIN 1772 азарга

1772 Англи
Үүлдэр Англи цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1772..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч Thomas Bullock
Үржүүлэгч Prince Henry
Бүртгэгдсэн 2024.03.29
Apr 1776 - 500gns match Newmarket v Zerbino (1/2); 27 Jun 1776 - 70gns stakes Stockbridge (4/5) 3 Jun 1777 - 5th 25gns each stakes Ascot (broke down, necessitating his retirement from the turf) Fairly successful stallion, sire of Chance (1784 King's Plate Ipswich, 1786 King's Plates Guildford, Winchester, Lewes); Halbert (1792 60 Guineas Stakes); Young Spear (1797 July Stakes, 3rd 1798 Derby); and the 4th dam of St Giles (1832 Derby) and Bloomsbury (1839 Derby) He initially suffered very low patronage and only had about 8 runners prior to 1791, by which time he was 19 years of age Died in 1800

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