FRIAR 1768 азарга

1768 Ирланд
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1768..
Төрсөн нутаг Ирланд
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Цагаан Бор
Эзэмшигч John Kirwan
Бүртгэгдсэн 2024.03.05
Winnings: 46 Starts: 34 - 10 - 2 The Curragh unless stated:- 1772:- Apr - 900gns stakes; Sept - Lord Lieutenant's Plate; 1 Fifty; 1773;- 23 Apr - Jockey Club Purse; 11 Jun - King's Plate (from Jolly Bacchus); 6 Sep - 300gns stakes; 11 Sep - Lord Lieutenant's Plate (from Noblessa); 1 match; 1774:- 25 Apr - 5gns each Subscription; 28 Apr - King's Plate (from Medea); 29 Apr - Jockey Club Purse; 14 Sep - King's Plate (from Noble, Baber and Olympus); 1 match; 1775:- 24 Apr - Subscription Purse (1/2, from Hippolitus); 28 Apr - Jockey Club Purse (from St Patrick); 17 Jun - King's Plate (w.o.); 29 Jul - 50 guineas Gort (w.o.); 9 Aug - £50 Athlone (w.o.); 12 Aug - £100 Athlone (from Irish Hero); 13 Sep - King's Plate (from Lenox); 16 Sep - Lord Lieutenant's Plate (from Surveyor, Margaretta and Pope); 20 Oct:- Fifty; 1 match; 1776:- 15 Jun - King's Plate (w.o.); 11 Sep - King's Plate (from Jolly Bacchus); 14 Sep - Lord Lieutenant's Plate; 1 match; 1777:- 14 Jun - King's Plate (from Jolly Bacchus); 3 matches; 1779:- £60; 2 x Fifties; 12 defeats A successful broodmare sire

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