1791 Англи
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1791..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Бүртгэгдсэн 2024.03.05
Owner: 1) Augustus Henry FitzRoy, 3rd Duke of Grafton 2) Christopher Wilson 3) Sitwell Sitwell Winnings: 28 Starts: 15 - 4 - 3 Principal performances, Newmarket unless stated:- 14 Oct 1794 - Third of Five Classes Stakes (4/7); 7 May 1795 - 50gns match (1/1) v Paynator (con 6lbs); 23 Jun 1795 - £50 Town Plate Stamford; 1 Jul 1795 - £50 Grantham (from St. George); 1795:- 1 other £50; 17 Jun 1796 - £50 Ludlow (from General, broke down); 24 Jun 1796 - £50 Bridgnorth; 7 Jul 1796 - £50 Nantwich (from Confederacy); 1 Sep 1796 - £50 Chesterfield; 9 Sep 1796 - 70gns Lincoln (from Exton and Huby); 29 Sep 1796 - 25gns each Handicap stakes Doncaster (from Huby con 3lbs and Governor rec 14lbs); 3 May 1797 - £50 Chester; 9 Jun 1797 - £80 Manchester; 20 Jul 1797 - £50 Oxford; 8 Aug 1797 - King's Plate Nottingham (from Minion) 27 Oct 1794 - 2nd The Main of the Five Classes Stakes (7/2, to Bennington 2/1); 27 Sep 1797 - 3rd Doncaster Cup (to Stamford 5/1 and Patriot) Initially named and ran as Galileo in 1794 when owned by the Duke of Grafton His only real success at stud was as sire of Regina, grandam of Zinganee (1829 Ascot Gold Cup) and Green Mantle (1829 Oaks)

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