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Хувилбар 2.5
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Хувилбар 2.5
Үүлдэр | - |
Төрсөн огноо | 1965.. |
Төрсөн нутаг | Америк |
Бүртгэлийн дугаар | |
Микрочип | |
Тамга | |
Зүс | Бор саарал |
Эзэмшигч | Peter Fuller |
Үржүүлэгч | Ryemeadow Farms |
Бүртгэгдсэн | 2023.03.20 |
Winnings: 24 Starts: 12 - 5 - 1, $236,636 Maryland Futurity S., Grey H., Clarendon S., Vandal S., Wood Memorial S., Governor's Gold Cup S., E. Palmer Heagerty S. won the 1968 Kentucky Derby, but was later disqualified when tests turned up traces of Bute, which was not allowed at the time. foaled April 10, 1965 NTR Greenwood, 7f 1:24 Ran in the Preakness, but a flare up of ankles problems forced his retirement before the Belmont. Sent to Ireland 1974. Sent to France, 1977. Sent to Japan, 1979. Died December 1992 at Hayata Stud in Japan, age 27. |