Clay & Woodford, Runnymede Stud

SIR DIXON азарга

1885 Америк
Үүлдэр -
Төрсөн огноо 1885..
Төрсөн нутаг Америк
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч 1) Runnymede Stud ; 2) Green B. Morris;
Үржүүлэгч Clay & Woodford, Runnymede Stud
Бүртгэгдсэн 2023.03.15
At 2: 1st: Camden S. (MTH), Select S. (MTH), Flatbush S. (SHB) At 3: 1st: Belmont S. (BEL), Withers S. (Jerome Pk), Lorillard S. (MTH), Travers S. (SAR) 3rd: Brooklyn Derby (Gravesend) Sold to Dwyers for $20k as juvenile; proved ill-suited to the Dwyers hard & frequent style of racing. Generally ranked the co-champion 3yo male of 1888 in the USA with Emperor of Norfolk. Stood at Clay & Woodford's Runnymede Farm - U. S. Leading Sire in 1901. March 23, 1909: broke a hip in paddock accident and had to be euthanized.

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