POULTON 1805 азарга

1805 Англи
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1805..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч Robert Jones
Бүртгэгдсэн 2023.01.04
Principal performances, Newmarket unless stated:- 2 May 1809 - Earl of Chester's Plate (4/6, from Cestrian); 4 May 1809 - 140gns stakes Chester (2/1, by 1l from Gustavus 4/7 and Cestrian 4/1); 15 Jun 1809 - £70 Newton (1/50, canter); 23 Aug 1809 - 60gns stakes York (4/5, cleverly, from York); 12 Sep 1809 - King's Plate Lichfield (4/7); 23 Apr 1810 - First Class of Oatlands Stakes (15/2, easily, from Juniper 7/2 con 10lbs, Sunbeam 4/1 rec 1lb and Eaton 8/1 con 18lbs); 1 Oct 1810 - 300gns match (4/6) v Eaton (con 7lbs); 17 May 1811 - 500gns match (4/7, very easily) v Tumbler (con 7lbs); 17 May 1811 (same day) - 700gns Free Handicap (1/1, from Oriana 1/1 rec 12lbs); 6 Aug 1811 - Oxford Cup (4/7); 4 Aug 1812 - Oxford Cup (3/1) 25 Aug 1808 - 2nd 1,600gns Produce Stakes York (8/11, to Theresa 4/1); 23 Aug 1809 - 2nd Great Subscription Purse [5yo division] York (6/4, by 1l to Paulina 6/5); 18 Apr 1811 - 2nd Third Class of Oatlands Stakes (5/2, to Discount 7/2 rec 10lbs) Died early in the season of 1823, having not covered that year, aged 18

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