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Хувилбар 2.5
All Rights Reserved.
Хувилбар 2.5
Үүлдэр | - |
Төрсөн огноо | 1891.. |
Төрсөн нутаг | Америк |
Бүртгэлийн дугаар | |
Микрочип | |
Тамга | |
Зүс | Хүрэн |
Эзэмшигч | Byron McClelland/August Belmont II |
Үржүүлэгч | Lucien Appleby |
Бүртгэгдсэн | 2022.12.27 |
Winnings: 42 Starts: 29 - 8 - 3, $68,985Dash S., Golden Rod S., Algeria H., Belmont S., Travers S., Manhattan H., Dolphin S., Spindrift S., Special Sweepstakes, Municipal H., Suburban H. Horse of the Year in 1894 and 1895; Set Saratoga NTR for 6-1/2 f (1:20-1/4) as 3yo; Not successful as a sire; sent to England and thence to France in 1909. In 1911 he and Octagon were returned to the USA, and donated to the U.S. Cavalry to stand at the Front Royal (VA) Army Remount Station. Died in 1917. Inducted into Hall of Fame in 1985. |