James Lord


1797 Англи
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1797..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч The Viscount Sackville
Үржүүлэгч James Lord
Бүртгэгдсэн 2022.12.05
Winnings: 34 Starts: 24 - 6 - 2 Outstanding stayer Principal performances, Newmarket unless stated:- 20 Jun 1800 - £50 Newton (from Trumpator); 1800:- 1 x £100, 1 x 20gns each, 2 other £50; 1 Oct 1801 - King's Plate (1/2, from Mystery 5/2 and Ambo 10/1); 1801:- 1 x 50gns, 1 x £50, 4 x matches; 21 Apr 1802 - Second Class of Oatlands Stakes (2/1, from Slapbang 6/1 con 2lbs); 4 Oct 1802 - 115gns stakes (from Lignum Vitae 4/6); 1802:- 1 x 375gns; 1 x 50gns; 26 Apr 1803 - 500gns stakes (11/8, from Surprize 5/2 rec 21lbs, Bobtail 8/1 rec 4lbs and Lignum Vitae 3/1 rec 4lbs); 28 Apr 1803 - King's Plate (2/7, from Eleanor 6/1); 2 Aug 1806 - 60gns Ladies' Plate Lewes (1/1, by half a neck from Haphazard 1/1) 10 May 1803 - 100gns match (4/6) v Quiz (rec 7lbs); 1803:- 1 x 250gns 2 May 1804 - 2nd Jockey Club Plate (to Penelope 5/6) Successful stallion, sire of Cwrw (1812 2000 Guineas), Manuella (1812 Oaks), Altisidora (1813 St. Leger), Tramp (1814 Doncaster Cup, very successful stallion), Sir Richard (1817 Ascot Gold Cup) and a number of mares which bred on Died 28 January 1816

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