SWORDSMAN 1796 азарга

1796 Ирланд
Үүлдэр Англи Цэвэр цусны
Төрсөн огноо 1796..
Төрсөн нутаг Ирланд
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч 1) Mr. Cooke 2) John Whaley
Бүртгэгдсэн 2022.12.05
The Curragh unless stated:- 22 Apr 1801 - King's Plate; 12 Jun 1801 - King's Plate; 9 Sep 1801 - King's Plate (from Katty Flanagan); 12 Sep 1801 - Lord Lieutenant's Plate (from Honest Ralph); 10 Jun 1802 - King's Plate (from Honest Ralph and Jerry Sneak); 8 Sep 1802 - King's Plate (from Jerry Sneak) 12 Jun 1799 - unplaced 50gns each stakes (disqualified from 1st for running wrong side of a post); 10 Jun 1800 - 2nd King's Plate (to Jerry Sneak); 13 Sep 1800 - 3rd Lord Lieutenant's Plate (to The Hank and Honest Ralph); 20 Apr 1801 - 2nd Curragh Cup (to Honest Ralph); 6 Jun 1801 - beaten 100gns match v Traveller (rec 9lbs); 19 Apr 1802 - 3rd Kildare Stakes (to Buffer and Bob Bolus); 11 Sep 1802 - 3rd Lord Lieutenant's Plate (to Sweetwilliam and Dawdle); 14 Sep 1803 - 3rd King's Plate (fell lame, ending his racing career) Quite a successful stallion in Ireland, notably as sire of Medora, dam of Rockingham (1833 St. Leger, Doncaster Cup, 1835 Goodwood Cup)

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