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Хувилбар 2.5
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Хувилбар 2.5
Үүлдэр | Англи цэвэр цусны |
Төрсөн огноо | 1806.. |
Төрсөн нутаг | Англи |
Бүртгэлийн дугаар | |
Микрочип | |
Тамга | |
Зүс | Хээр |
Эзэмшигч | Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam |
Үржүүлэгч | |
Бүртгэгдсэн | 2022.11.23 |
Owner: 1) William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam 2) Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton 23 Aug 1808 - 100gns stakes York (8/11, easily); 15 Sep 1808 - 100gns stakes Pontefract (1/4, very easily); 25 Apr 1809 - Produce Stakes Malton (2/7, canter, from Stamfordia and Sir Petronel); 25 Apr 1809 (same day) - 140gns stakes Malton (2/5, common canter, from Comus) Half brother to ORVILLE (b c 1799 BENINGBROUGH)[who was a winner of the St.Leger Stakes 2932m]. EVELINA, the dam of CERVANTES was half sister to: PEWETT (b f 1786 TANDEM)[and she too was a winner of the St.Leger Stakes 2932m]. PEWETT was inturn the dam of another St.Leger Stakes winner in the race filly: PAULINA (b f 1804 SIR PETER{TEAZDALE}). CECILIA (b f 1793 SIR PETER) a half sister to the dam of Cervantes EVILINA was the dam of: WHITENOSE (b c 1806 DON QUIXOTE)[who was a winner of the Doncaster Cup 3621m=18f].Died in September 1828 |