Lady Sykes

Леди Джурор (Lady Juror) гүү

1919 Англи
Үүлдэр -
Төрсөн огноо 1919..
Төрсөн нутаг Англи
Бүртгэлийн дугаар
Зүс Хээр
Эзэмшигч J.A. Dewar
Үржүүлэгч Lady Sykes
Бүртгэгдсэн 2022.10.12
Winnings: ? Starts: 3 - ? - ?, £8,057 At 3 Won Jockey Club Stakes (GB)14F: Red Rose Stakes 5F: Empire Stakes 6F: placed 4 times incl runner up Derby's Breeders Stakes. A Great Broodmare.Dam of Fair Trial,Riot and Sansonnet. Died 1941. Per April 1973 issue of The Thoroughbred of California: "Mucho Sol's fifth dam is the well-known Lady Juror, dam of well known sire Fair Trial, whose front feet were turned out, and whose strong hocks were a bit behind him. Lady Juror is an ancestress of *Tudor Minstrel, Argentine champion sire Aristophanes, and Combat."

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