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Хувилбар 2.5
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Хувилбар 2.5
Үүлдэр | Англи цэвэр цусны |
Төрсөн огноо | 1877.. |
Төрсөн нутаг | Англи |
Бүртгэлийн дугаар | |
Микрочип | |
Тамга | |
Зүс | Хүрэн |
Эзэмшигч | 1st Duke of Westminster |
Үржүүлэгч | Eaton Stud |
Бүртгэгдсэн | 2022.09.30 |
Winnings: 14 Starts: 10 - 2 - 0 Chesterfield Stakes (1879), Richmond Stakes (1879), Rous Memorial Stakes (1879), Prince of Wales Stakes (York) (1879), Epsom Derby (1880), St. James Palace Stakes (1880), City and Suburban Handicap (1881), Epsom Gold Cup (1881), Champion Stakes (1881) MtDNA analysis supports the 19th century allegation that "Bend Or" was actually the horse foaled same year and recorded as Tadcaster, the two colts having been misidentified when taken to be trained. However this is not absolute proof and the studbooks have determined that no changes will be made. |